Happy Mama's Day

EDIT:  I type these posts...and then forget I never post them...and then have to add pics.  Sheesh.  Sorry for the late late mama's day post!

Me and my mama before going to see the Green Bay Symphony Orchestra
My Mother's Day had a rough start...mostly because I was a naughty mama and had Prom the night before so I was a weeee bit hung over.  I'm sure you're thinking, PROM?!?!  Yes, Prom 2012.  Our friends all rented a school bus, wore Prom gear, complete with corsages and boutonniere's and parents to shoot picture and had a classy dinner at the Olive Garden.  We then hit up a game of bowling at the Landmark followed by drinks at Von Trier and Club Paragon.  It was such a blast, we were quite the sight to see on the East Side that night.  We crowned Kings and Queens at every hour which was just names drawn out of a jar...yet again, I never made queen. Someday!

The Ladies

The Fellas

Our Snappy Socks while Bowling

My Date Ramon Since Kyle was Home with Nixon

Nixon was very excited to celebrate mama's day so even though I got home at 3:00a.m. he thought we should get our day started at 5:45a.m.  Not cool Nixon, not cool.  Daddy worked so I was on my own with the little guy and we grabbed an early breakfast at Bruegger's.  I was excited to get Nixon down for his nap that morning so I could also nap...but again, he was too excited to celebrate my awesomeness as a mom so he decided he would cry for an hour and a half and not nap and that we should go to the park and play instead.  He's lucky he's cute. 

My Little Pal

After our 2 hours at the park he finally napped....ahhhhh....sweet sweet naps.  I also snoozed for 2 hours with the cat.  Once we were all up and rested we ran to the grocery to get our dinner for my big day - I'm such a Wisconsin girl - I wanted Brats!  YAY!  It was gorgeous outside and I needed something on the grill. 

The rest of the day Nixon and I went for a walk, blew bubbles in the back yard, and then just read books.  I gave him a bath and sent him to bed so I could get everything ready for dinner with Kyle. 

He loves his ears!!!!  Blurry Pic but still cute.

In all it was a great day!  I actually spent most of it just taking in the wonder of my Little and how perfect he is, how much he's grown, how smart and sweet he is, and how incredibly funny he is.  I really tried to take in every detail of him as I watched him play and interact with other kids.  I adored how he explored sand, the slides and rocks.

I was in Vegas for Work...Kellie sent me a series of pics of him holding a sign that said "I <3 Mommy"

It's amazing that in a year he has become so much of my life.  I also reflected on my own childhood and all the things that my mom has done for me to make me who I am today and who I want to be for my kids.  She taught us to appreciate the small things in life.  I remember a huge treat was getting a small cup of Coke and a Dixie cup of skittles or M&M's on a Friday night as we all watched a movie together.  I remember playing with a "bus" she made for me out of a block of wood and some nails and my "people" were used up plastic rolls that thread came on.  I'd play with those for HOURS while she was in her sewing room making clothes or crafting.  I love how she was so good at playing Santa that I seriously believed in him until I was almost 11. 

Pinki was with snuggling her Gramma, and vice versa.

My mom has always been firm but lenient at the same time which always made me respect her.  She's always been someone I can go to with all my problems and know that she won't always offer advice or give mer opinion but she will help me come to the answer on my own.  Maybe in her own way she guides me to where she wants me to be, but she knows that with my personality if you tell me what you think I should do I'd do the opposite....sneaky sneaky.  I'm on to you Mama Bear. 

LOVE this pic.  Post Wine Tasting...with a baby.  
As an adult I look back at all the things she did to make me who I am today and I am so grateful.  She was made to be a mom.  She was the type of woman who should have had 30 kids in the house.  She's taught me so much about patience, love and humility.  We were her world.  In all my childhood I think I remember 2 times where we were in the care of a baby sitter because my parents went out.  Kyle and I are very similar.  We have very little desire to do anything without Nixon.  If he can't go we'd rather sit home.  It's strange too because it's not like we'd miss anything - he's home sleeping anyway, but it is still just a sad feeling leaving him.

As I watch my mom fight through cancer with her chemo and now radiation treatments I'm in awe of her strength.  I tell her all the time how she's an inspiration and her strength is unbelievable.  Of course, in her eyes she's not doing anything out of the ordinary and she's always confused when people tell her that.  From my perspective here's why she's a warrior:  Every day she feels like poo.  She's in a constant state of sick, whether its limited breathing from her lung cancer or chills and nausea from chemo.  And yet despite that daily battle she gets up, does her hair and make-up, dresses impeccibly and goes to work.  She always has a smile on her face, she never complains.  She always has a positive attitude and she is always still trying to do everything for everyone else.  My mom is seriously the best mom ever.

Looking out of Gramma's Windows
Happy Mama's Day!


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