June Cleaver, I am Not

This week started with a very lazy, very relaxing weekend.  I wanted to take advantage of snuggles with Nixon and general couch inhabiting before I started back at work on Monday.  Here are a few shots from the weekend:

A Boy and His Dog

Happy Go Lucky Kind of Guy

Nixon and Him Daddy

The weekend was wrapped up with a BBQ at my girlfriend Dana's house to celebrate the 2nd and 4th Birthdays of her sons Henry and William.  Once we got home I spent the night preparing for my first day back at work after my 6 weeks home with Nixon.  I felt like a little kid getting ready for her first day of school after summer break.  Fortunately Kyle works 3 days a week, 12 hour shifts so he can be home with Nixon 2 days a week, and he was home with him Monday and Tuesday of this week.  This made my first couple of days back at work very easy and less stressful.  I felt like I could ease into life as a working mom much easier.  

Monday was so great to be back at work.  I have learned I'm  not the Stay At Home Mom type even though I've always wanted to be one.  I just had such a hard time getting motivated to do anything other than hang out with Nixon, I'm just not sure I'd ever get anything done around the house...or shower!  Everyone at the office was happy to see me and it felt great to be missed.  Kyle on the other hand had a difficult Monday.  Nixon was a VERY unhappy baby for daddy, but by 2:30 p.m. Kyle learned why.  The poor little guy had a tummy ache due to a backed up tummy.  

Monday night Nixon and I were able to meet up with my friend Jenn who was visiting from San Diego.  We sat around at a coffee shop and ooh'd and aah'd over the little dude.

It was so great to catch up with her and have her meet Nixon!  Hopefully we can get out to her place in the Spring to spend time with her and her husband James who has been a buddy of mine for about 10 years.  It will be so fun to dip Nixon's toes into the ocean for the first time!  We will be in Phoenix in March for my brother Wayne's wedding and San Diego is only a 4 hour drive so it will be nice to take the road trip!

On Tuesday Nixon was a wonderful baby for his daddy, talking and smiling all day long.  If only he was like that all the time!

Today was Nixon's first day with his sitter Kellie.  Kellie is a stay at home mom who has an 11 month old son Noah, and she is the sweetest, most patient woman I've ever met.  I'm so lucky to have her in our lives to take care of our son.  I thought that I would have been very emotional on his first day at daycare but the only emotion I experienced was nervousness that he would be a crabby baby!  I did realize once I got to work that I forgot to kiss him goodbye...oopsie...mommy fail.  

The report at the end of day 1 was that he ate 4 bottles and that he was pretty good with only a little bit of crabbiness.  Yay Nixon!  Hopefully he keeps this up for her!  He must have had fun because it's 7:00 p.m. and he's been sleeping since we left there at 5:00.  

So since today is hump day, I've been back at work and getting into the swing of life I'm starting to feel like all this being a parent thing is more real.  I'm glad to be into a schedule and a routine.  I am hoping that Nixon starts to sleep for longer stretches soon because I am POOPED!  


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