It's Official, He's All Boy

I still see that pic and laugh until I cry.

We've had quite a few adventures the last couple days and I'm getting much better at snapping pics to help document.  I'd love to spend a ton of time typing about each and every one, however I'm barely alive and don't have the energy to do much more than what you're about to read.  I woke up this morning with food poisoning and it has not been pretty, but since I had every intention of trying to make it through the work day I had dropped Nixon off at his Auntie Aimee's for the day and she gracefully kept him all day so I could sleep.  I made it 30 minutes at work before I vomited.  How embarrassing...

Nixon's sitter is on a family vacation so I've been relying on family to fill in the gaps when Kyle works.  His Papa watched him Friday.  The Don Wam said that he never cried all day, but something tells me Papa never put him down the entire day:

Over the weekend my mom came to visit which was perfect timing.  Kyle went to Minnesota for the weekend for his annual guys trip to Eurowerks European Car Show.  We're very proud of Kyle because he took first place in his car class for his 1996 VW Harlequin.  This is quite the accomplishment as it is the biggest Euro car show in the midwest.

Since Kyle was gone, it was amazing having my mom's help.  Friday night I was able to have our V-Dub Dub Weekend - Volkswagen Widows Weekend and spend time with my girlies since all our significant others go to Minnesota together.  Saturday I did make-up in Madison for a friend of a friend and got to spend time with one of my nearest and dearest, Kaitlyn as she is in town from Baton Rouge for the wedding and her baby shower which is this coming Saturday.  After I got back it was Bridal Shower time for my friend Sarah.  Whew!  Having my mom around meant I didn't have to drag Nixon all over and she got to spend much wanted one on one time with her little Mr. Man.

 We hit a huge milestone on Saturday!  Nixon is officially 2 months old!  Where has all that time gone?

Sunday was the Cedarburg Strawberry Festival so my mom and I went to enjoy the amazing warm sunny weather that is a rarity here lately in Wisconsin.  We spent a couple hours wandering downtown Cedarburg and taking in all the artist wares that were there.  We also met Hello Kitty!!!  Nixon will for sure kill me for this in his teenage years.

So sorry today's update is so's time for me to try and get some more Zzzz's.


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