Happy 1st Birthday!!!

It has been an entire year since the Wamlet joined our family and forever changed it.  Part of me feels like he's been with us for 10 years while the other part of me recalls the first day we met him like it was yesterday.  It's been an unbelievable journey to go from my crazy gear-head, motorcycle riding, travelling and bar-hopping self to someone who loves every second of sitting-at-home-with-my-perfect-son self. 

We had his 1 year appointment today and he's still officially teeny.  He's the 13th percentile for height and the 18th percentile for weight.  His head is still the 7th percentile but his Dr. again confirmed that he's developmentally ahead of his age and there's no reason to worry why he's so tiny. 

1 Day Old

Every night part of our bed time ritual is that just before he goes in his crib I sing 2 songs to him and he snuggles in close and just shuts down to get ready for bed.  Last night I sang his songs and then told him that tomorrow was his 1st birthday and he'd wake up to be a big boy and I started to get so emotional.  It took all my strength to put him in his crib and finally walk out of the room because I was crying and just so wrapped up in the realization that he's officially a big boy and I'm no longer the mom to a snuggly little baby. 

He Was So Widdle!

Nixon the 1 year old is infinitely more fun than Nixon the newborn.  He says mama, dada, uh-oh, woof, hi, moo, vroom, and moon.  He walks, waves HI and Bye, he does "ear muffs", he claps and does "all done", gives kisses and he throws a ball up in the air and catches it himself which is his FAVORITE past time.  He loves sharing - he's constantly handing you things and offering you his toys or food. 

6 Months
Nixon absolutely loves his puppies and crawls all over them.  He loves "giving them kisses" which is the most nasty thing ever.  Nixon walks over to the dogs with his mouth open and wants them to lick his face.  Seriously, what's wrong with that kid?

Nixon using Jack as a Stool

He dances to music and shakes his booty on command.  His favorite foods are oatmeal, guacamole, tortillas, string cheese and quinoa.  He prefers his cups to his bottles, and he's still nursing in the morning and before bed but his transition to whole milk was perfect.  His favorite toys are his ball, drum, and a tupperware - he loves putting things in and taking them out of his tupperware or any other basket.  He's really starting to love his books.  He brings us books all the time and just sits in our laps while we read and point at things and name them.  Nixon has his top 4 teeth and his bottom two - with the two side bottom teeth working their way up. 

At Uncle Waynes Wedding
Nixon is completely his father's son.  He's already showing his personality and sense of humor and it's completely hilarious.  He'll make silly faces, scrunch his shoulders up and then just giggle.  It's the cutest thing ever.  He tries to play tricks too, like when he'll hand you something and take it back laughing like he's the best comedian ever.  He's also into mimicking his puppies...which includes eating his food like them...no hands.  He also walks over to the dog's bowls and sticks his head in them which is so disgusting. 

I can sit and play with Nixon for hours which is so strange since I remember baby sitting and being sooooooooooooooooooo bored playing with the kids after 10 minutes.  It's insane to think that now a great night to me is reading to my Little and playing ball for hours. 

1 Year Old

It's been an insane year with the ups and downs of parenthood.  I've never been so happy, in love and scared all at the same time.  I was a little worried the last month of my pregnancy how I'd be as a parent and how our child would grow up but I'm happy to report that he is our world and I think we're doing a pretty good job.  I can't believe I've made it a year as a working mom to a spunky little boy - all while still nursing and doing cloth diapers.  I think I deserve a spa day - hint hint...


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