Back to the Future Part I

Wow, I feel like I’m in college all over again.  I keep getting farther and farther behind on the Wamlet Tales and it’s like this college project that is looming in the back of my mind.  I know I need to do it, and to be honest, it’s not even that hard of a project but I’d much rather be doing other stuff.  Well, the deadline is approaching so here I am, the night before it’s due flying through to just get a passing grade.  Yep, my blog is definitely like college! 
As usual, the Wam Fam has been running here and there, doing this and that.  There’s so much we’ve done in the last how ever many weeks it’s been since I’ve updated it could take me that many more weeks to type it all up.  What I’ve decided to do is just go through my pics to update you all on what we’ve done.  This edition of Back to the Future Part I is the Mobile version.

The Brewer’s were rock stars!  Nixon was a happy guy to represent his daddy’s team.

Nixon loves his Grampas!  He does, after all have 3 of them.  What a lucky little guy to have Grampa Wayne, Papa Don and Papa Joe. 

Shenanigans at the old TIKI office.  I came back from a meeting one day and this “Motivational Poster” was on my monitor.  The saying underneath is “It Rocks!”.  Hahaha…

Nixon didn’t feel so good one day, so he snuggled with his mama and daddy.  A couple weeks later he had his first fever.  I felt so bad for my little guy – it was at 102 degrees at its worst.  We just sat in the chair together all day and he slept it out on my chest.  I was secretly swooning while feeling bad for Mr. Man.

There was another gorgeous fall day here in Wisconsin so my Little and I took a 3 mile hike at Pike Lake.  Nixon is always in love with being outside.  He even munched on some leaves since he got bored a little at the end.  We ran into group of women who were out for a walk together that nearly pooped themselves when they saw a) how adorable Nixon is and b) the fact that I was hiking with such a little guy.   We also met a new friend who had autism who couldn’t get enough of Nixon.  Meeting this mom and her son just reminded me how incredibly grateful and lucky we are to have such a healthy little boy.  I know I’d be strong enough to handle a special needs child but I pray I never have to prove it.

Jack fell asleep with his face in my shoe.  We never claimed he was smart, but he sure is silly.

Nixon ate a baby bunny…I mean…he ate beets…but he could totally eat baby bunnies if he wanted to because he’s just that awesome.

We visited Gramma Dietsch for her 58th Birthday.  She pulled out cousin Wayne’s old booster seat so Mr. I Can Sit could join us at the big people table.

We went Trick-or-Treating with cousin Kylee.  Nixon was a fierce little lion.  This year was cold and rainy.  The Wam’s have decided we will from now on go to Phoenix each year to Trick-or-Treat with his cousins there because it will be warm.  Mama doesn’t do cold.

Fierce Lion Nixon fell asleep.  Clearly he cares more about beauty rest than candy.

I’ve been very busy at work so Nixon has come in to the office quite a few times over the last month once he gets out of daycare.  In this pic he looks like the smelly kid all not matchey matchey.  The ladies at work still swoon over him regardless.

Then we went home and he held hands with his puppy Jack.  They are sooo BFF’s.

Parental Advisory.

Turn back if you have a weak stomach.
Seriously…this one is gross.....
You were warned!!!!

Nixon had a minor butt explosion for his dad one day…this was the text I received.  Atta Boy Nixon!

Nixon chilled with his pups.  They appear to be in cahoots about something.  Not sure I should trust this friendship.

The weather is getting colder so I busted out Nixon’s Owl hat, matching gloves and fuzzy Ugg boots.  He’s ready to take on winter!

He had another day home with his daddy…he snoozed.

Ok, well...I believe that sums up the last couple weeks captured by my iPhone.  I'll get to work on all the other memories I've captured on our camera!  Until then, TTFN!!!!



  1. Christin I love it! It totally feels like a college project at times. :) I'm currently several posts behind on mine! I'll get caught up eventually.


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