1/2 Year Birthday

Nixon celebrated his 1/2 year Birthday!  What a big boy already!  Kyle and I just went through all his month-by-month pics and we can't get over how much he's grown even from 5 months until now.  We had his 6 month check-up and he's 15.5lbs (20th percentile) and 26" long (50th percentile).  He's still considered long and lean and he is very healthy.  Our pediatrician said we should teach a class on healthy sleep for babies because we are on the right track with him and she is very happy with our "rules" for him so far!

He's growing in to such a BOY!  Like, not a floppy squishy baby but a big boy, like he's on his way to being a legit toddler some day very soon.  I can't wait to see how he changes from a baby to a toddler...ok, actually I can wait.  I don't want to rush him growing up one bit.

Nixon has learned he has a voice and he SCREAMS at the top of his lungs.  It is so annoying, but I like to joke that he's learning to be a singer in a screamo band.  He'll be the next generation of Atreyu.

Look!  He sits!  Granted, he still falls over and he can't get to sitting on his own...but still, he sits!!!  I sit him on the floor and we play with his toys and he can sit there for such a long time just happy as can be.  I think he likes his new perspective on life.  We've even taken to placing him in a wicker laundry basket with some toys and he will sit there forever because he can't fall over in the basket.  It was really just me trying to multitask and bring him downstairs with a basket so I could finish laundry and he enjoyed it so much we keep putting him there.

Nixon is eating tons of food now, he even loves Thai noodles, guacamole, black beans, oatmeal with cinnamon, and the list goes on.  There hasn't been on thing that this kid hasn't loved.  I'm so proud of him for loving anything with flavor.  The other day we had lunch with my friends Abby and Dana and he sucked and orange and a lemon clean with no sour face!  He's a foodie just like his mama.  

He was in his basket on Saturday and Jack brought him his bone.  He dropped it right in the basket and walked away like "there you go little buddy".  They seriously are BFF's. As much as I want to strangle Jack most days it is very sweet to see how much he loves his baby Nixon and vice versa.

Nixon loves his Sophie the Giraffe, I call her his Girlfriend.  He still loves his pacifier even though we had to break him of needing it at night.  I'm very glad we suffered through one night of a screaming baby to break him of waking up 5 times a night needing it.  He still loves blowing bubbles, laughing at any and everything, being outside, and being naked.  He's really starting to have fun playing in the bathtub, and he's so in love with his kitty cat Pinki.  He could be so upset and see her and stop crying to smile and coo at her.

Nixon gets up on his knees and rocks but he doesn't go anywhere yet.  Daddy and I are prepared, he just installed the permanent baby gate on Nixon's door to keep him kenneled or whatever term you use for babies.


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