I Heart Indian Summer...and I Don't Care if That's Not PC

Oh...my...God...I can't even begin to express how amazing this October has been.  The weather has been consistently in the mid to high 70's with quite a few 85 degree days in there as well.  Every night Nixon and I get out and walk, whether it's around our neighborhood or the parkway by our house.  It's been so wonderful to have all the sights and smells of fall accompanied by the temps usually associated with Wisconsin summers.  It's actually making me think a lot of Phoenix and how great the weather is back there this time of year...and NO KYLE, I'm not moving back!

Kyle has had a ton of overtime which is good and bad.  Turns out Jackeroni needs a knee surgery which isn't exactly what we had in our plans so we need to squirrel away some cash to pay for that.  I swear, I've had dogs my entire life and they never had health problems.  Now when it's on my dime and not my parents I have the lamest animals on the planet.  Pinki has a sneeze right now too, but I'll be damned if I'm taking her to the vet.  Lord knows we'll find out she needs a heart transplant or something insane.

With Kyle working a lot Nixon and I have had a lot of 1 on 1 time to fill our days.  Weekend before last I was lucky enough to do make-up for my friend Sarah's wedding, so the little guy and I made our way to the Iron Horse Hotel to get to work on the beautiful bride and her mother.  Fortunately Nixon was rocking his Brewers gear which made us look Oh So Cool when we spotted Robin Yount in the hotel lobby.  Since we were already on the east side we drove down to a new store called Little Monsters that is a really great new store for kiddoes.  I got Nixon a new book and picked up some Christmas presents for our niece Kylee.  The rest of the day was filled with errands until it was time for me to get ready to attend Sarah and Malik's wedding.  Everyone complimented my handiwork and if I do say so myself, the bride was stunning!  I was also very honored because she wore my veil as her "Something Borrowed".  Take a peek!

Sarah and her MOH Sarah...seriously.

Sarah and Malik saying their I Do's

The next morning I woke up with this insatiable desire to eat pancakes.  Just so happens a new pancake restaurant opened by our house so I geared the Wamlet up in his Packers flair and we checked out the new panny cake house.  The verdict is in:

1) The pancakes are indeed delicious
2) People stare if you're at a pancake place "alone" with a 5 month old as your only companion

Meh, who cares.  That's what travelling for work has taught me - the confidence to go out to eat alone.  I don't want to miss out on anything even while Kyle's working his booty off!

I decided I'd rather go wander the mall instead of going home to clean, which is where Nixon and I saw a real life Pimp!  Seriously, he had all the symptoms:  High heeled ankle boots, CHECK.  Cadillac jacket, CHECK.  Pinky rings, CHECK.  Long hair, permed with a little under curl, CHECK.

Non-Fiction Pimp at Mayfair Mall

Fictional Pimp, Katt Williams complete with pinky rings and perm.  I rest my case.
The rest of the week flew by in a blur, as it always does.  Evening walks, feeding Nixon his cereal and now vegetables!!!  Then we play, take a bath, get ready for bed, read a book or 3 and then it's usually off to dream land for both Nixon and Mama.  As of this week Kyle has permanently taken over the task of putting Nixon to bed which is awesome for the two of them to have their special time together.

Nixon's first two vegetables have been sweet potatoes and peas.  I think he liked the sweet potatoes more than he likes the peas, but either way he gobbles them all up.  He also seems to show a preference for his baby oatmeal than he does his baby rice cereal.

The other day I was feeding him rice cereal and he was done eating so I let him have a little play time with the rest.  It was so fun to watch his face and see how enthralled he was with making lines in the food on his highchair tray.  He really thought it was the coolest thing.

Making squiggles!

He could do this for hours!
And then Nixon decided to take matters into his own hands and give himself a little cereal.  He's very creative.

Nom Nom Nom

Even babies need their fiber.
This past weekend we had another wedding, strangely enough 6 years to the day, at the exact same place my friends James and Jen got married!  I've mentioned them earlier in the blog, they are dear friends who abandoned me and now live in San Diego.  This time around it was my friend Maggie's turn to say her I Do's in the gazebo at Country Springs Hotel.  The day was another 80+ degree day and it was absolutely gorgeous!  Her wedding format was very original and cool - a 10:30 a.m. ceremony with a luncheon filled with burgers, brats and chicken.  Dessert was the best - Cheesecake factory Red Velvet Cheesecake for the adults and ice cream bars for the kids!

Nixon was on his best behavior and was the star of the show as usual. There was one part where my friend Kiki was making him giggle by saying Peek-a-boo too him right when the whole room got quiet for speeches and all of a sudden Nixon's adorable giggle pierced the silence.  It was so funny, yet so embarrassing.

Her dress was AMAZING!

Nixon in his official "Wedding Wear"

Christy's MOH Speech

Congrats Maggie and Jamie!

We had to leave the wedding earlier than I would have liked, but for very good reason.  My Aunt Donna and Uncle Bob were visiting my grandpa in Kaukauna so we made the drive north to say hello.  Nixon was very excited to meet his great Uncle Bob and Aunt Donna, especially since a few months ago we nearly lost Uncle Bob in a Motorcycle accident.  He's still recovering but we're so happy he's still here with us!

Aunt Donna made some delicious lasagna and home made apple pie.  I was so full after that I could barely move!  I wish we could have visited longer, but we had to make our trek back to Milwaukee that night.  We had plans the next morning to meet up with Gramma Terri and Uncle Bryan at the Pumpkin Farm.

There's that middle finger out again! Even with Great Grampa!

Gramma Anita was there too, she played with Nixon

Yay!  Great Aunt Donna!  She taught me all I know about thrifting and rummaging!


Meeting Great Uncle Bob!

As I mentioned the next day was the Pumpkin Patch adventure with Gramma Terri, Uncle Bryan and Cousin Kylee.  It was so hot outside, almost 85 degrees, and everyone and their mama was out at the pumpkin patch.  It took us from 11:30 a.m. until almost 1:30 p.m. to take a hay ride and pick one teeny pumpkin!  Holy cow!  I got some GREAT shots of Nixon with his first pumpkin and his uncle.

My Uncle is silly

Gimme that face!

So handsome!  His hat was still too big and kept falling over his eyes so we had to give it a gangster lean

Let's do this Uncle Bryan!

On the hay ride, Nixon pondering the meaning of life...that or he's doing the "Smell the Fart" look

His first Pumpkin

Hey, did you all see this thing?


OOH, leaves!

After our adventure at the Elegant Farmer, we headed to Gramma Terri's for her world famous Sweet and Sour Chicken.  Kylee did such a great job playing with her little cousin.  She spent the whole time showing him all the toys at Gramma's that he'll get to play with when he's bigger.  She even read him 2 books!  Nixon was lapping it all up excitedly.

Read it to me again!
AAAnd, because it's true:

Auntie Jessica got him this before he was born.  LOL.  No truer words ever written.
No other haps this week.  More walks, baseball baseball baseball in our house (ugh), and just hanging out!  Uncle Bryan is home this week and has offered to watch Mr. Man for us if we want to go out, but we haven't really decided on anything.  One thing we're really looking forward to is Family Fun Day on Sunday! Kyle FINALLY has off so we want to do something just the 3 of us!  I can't wait!




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