Naughty Mommy

I've been a very very naughty mommy.  How dare I make you all wait so long to get updates on adorable little Nixon!  So much has happened that this may be a VERY long update.  I'm sure I'll forget some fun details, but here goes nothing...

The last time we updated Kyle and I had had our 1 year wedding anniversary.  We still haven't been able to celebrate yet, but Kyle's brother Bryan has volunteered his babysitting services for next week Thursday so Kyle and I intend on going to Ristorante Bartolotta for a swanky dinner and then to a movie.  I can't hardly wait!  It will be our first time out together sans le bebe!

Where we last left off, our baby sitter was still on a family vacation so Nixon got to spend the day with his Gramma Wam.  He was a very good boy for her, but it's too bad puppy Jack wasn't so good.  He was up to his same old shenanigans stealing anything he can get his paws on.  But how do you not love him when he's as stinking cute as he is!!!

Gramma Wam with Nixon

Jackeroni - Naughty but Adorable
The next day on Wednesday we got to meet Nixon's second cousin!  Kyle's cousin Kari and her husband Tony welcomed their beautiful baby girl Kennedy into the world and we headed straight to the hospital to say hello.  This was also a chance for Nixon to meet his great aunt Wendy for the first time.  It was so nostalgic being back in the maternity ward of a hospital.  It brought so many memories fresh to the surface for me.  It felt like it had been years since were last there.  Kennedy was 1 ounce smaller than Nixon and when I saw her I couldn't believe Nixon was ever that small.  They aren't kidding when they say time flies!

Little Squishy with Great Auntie Wendy

Proud Mama Kari and Tiny Cousins!
4th of July weekend was quite the whirlwind.  On Saturday Nixon and I drove to Madison for my dear friend Kaitlyn's baby shower.  It was so much fun catching up with all the Madison girls, rubbing all the bellies since Kaitlyn, Katie and Jennie are all due in the next couple months.  Man, what a difference a year makes!  A year ago this week we were all in Vail, Colorado partying like rock stars and now we're all mama's and mama's to be!  It's crazy!!  It was so fun having Kaitlyn around again and reminded me how much I miss her! She lived with Kyle and I for almost a year and a half while her husband worked out of state.  It's hard to go from roomies to long distance buds, but thank goodness for the internet - we can stay in touch.  I can't wait to meet her Little One!

Nixon's First Baby Shower
Of course my camera died minutes into the shower, so I didn't get any more photography from the day.  During the shower, all the guys went paint balling, and then when they were done we all went out to Molly's parents land and had an absolute blast.  Everyone stayed the night and camped out in their beautiful "Cabin" (I use the term loosely because the "cabin" is nicer than any house I'll ever be able to afford!) but Nixon and I had to head back to Milwaukee to take care of the pups since daddy was working.  It was fun making new friends and catching up with old ones who were visiting from all over - Molly came from CO, Kane came from NY, Matt came from PA, Owen came from TX, Harrison came from IL/NJ (summer/school year) and of course Kaitlyn and Jason from LA - that's Baton Rouge, Louisana - not to be confused with Lower Alabama or Los Angeles.  Kaitlyn moved to Baton Rouge in the spring to be with her husband Jason who is the Tight Ends Coach at Southern University.  Hopefully he'll find something in the midwest sooner than later and bring my Kaits back to me!  Man, I'm so selfish.

Sunday was the 3rd of July so Nixon and I set off to BBQ hop.  We started off at my friend Kathy's on the East side for her annual BBQ.  I got to catch up with my good old Kickball crew and had a ton of laughs.

Liz couldn't get enough of Mr. Man!  
We left the East Side to head out to Merton to spend the rest of the evening with our close friends, but just as we were about to get on the freeway we had a first that I did NOT want to ever have to happen!  Nixon was in his first car accident!!!!  It was the scariest feeling I had ever experienced in my life, but thank goodness everyone was OK.  We were about to get onto the freeway when the gentleman next to me in his brand new Porsche turned right into me.  My car barely had damage but his fared much worse.  Fortunately the couple behind us was able to flag down a Sheriff immediately and they told him I was not at fault so it all worked out very well for us.  As soon as I pulled over I jumped out of the car, took Nixon out of his car seat and just sat on the sidewalk shaking.  I was just so scared, I had never felt so worried in my entire life.  The guy who hit me was very nice, he felt horrible and I almost felt bad for him.  It was actually a blessing in disguise because had he not hit me he would have gotten on to the off ramp and on the freeway going the wrong direction!  The check we're getting is also a blessing in disguise....LOL

Mine looks like nothing...His door was in a V shape and wouldn't close!
Monday the 4th was a very productive day.  The diapers got washed and hung out to dry in the sun, the pups got a bath, Nixon took a snooze and I started our new tradition of making home made ice cream on the 4th of July.  We also grilled steaks, had a salad and smothered potatoes.  I love 'Merica!!!

This last week we FINALLY got our first CSA box.  Many of you may be asking what a CSA is?  It stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and we purchase a share from a local farm.  It is completely organic fruit, herbs and veggies grown about 20 miles north of our home and is delivered to a local pick-up location every Wednesday.  It lasts from the last week of June until the end of October, however this spring was not great for growing so our first box was a week late and then we'll go into November for our last box.  We first tried this last year and I was a little nervous that I'd just get a huge box of lettuce, but our farm does an excellent job of just giving you a little bit of a lot of items so you can make different meals out of it.  This week we got a parsley plant that I have planted in a pot for fresh parsley all summer long, 2 different kinds of lettuces, spinach, radishes, beets, zucchini, and red and white onions.  It is all so fresh and delicious and forces us to eat much better then we otherwise would!  I'm also excited to teach Nixon to love his fruits and veggies - Wish me Luck!

Delicious Summer Bounty!
On Friday I got to spend a wonderful dinner with my dear friend Mel.  You can stalk her at her blog here - Carter and Audrey: Watch us Grow.  Mel and I have been friends since 2000 and stay in touch regardless of her abandonment.  Ok, I may be a little dramatic saying she abandoned me, but her and her husband Chuck moved to Birmingham, AL about 9 years ago so that he could complete his residency and research terms at one of the best Children's Hospitals in the U.S. so that he could be one of the best Pediatric Surgeons ever.  I suppose that's an OK excuse to take my Melly away from me...grumble grumble.  Hahaha...Anyway, Mel and her Littles Carter and Audrey were up for their annual family trip up to their Uncles cabin and she carved away a night for me.  We went to Red Robin for dinner and sat there for about 4 hours catching up.  Of course I forgot to pull my camera out so I'll have to retroactively post pics that she took as soon as she gets them up for me!  I need you all to pray for us, Chuck has his interview at Children's Hospital here in Wauwatosa and I would just be beside myself if he got hired!  C'MON CHUCK!!!!

Mel and Nixon

Sweet Little Audrey in her TuTu...Too Too Cute!

Both of Mel's Littles: Carter and Audrey loving up on Nixon

On Saturday Nixon and I headed to Racine to enjoy a Barbecue at my friend Sheila's while his daddy went to the Brewer's game with his buddies.  For his birthday I wanted to get him a Brewer's 9 pack of tickets, but his schedule is so screwy he'd probably never get to use them, so I just told them he could go to 3 games and I'd pay for his tickets and a friend's tickets.  Well, his buddies already had tickets to this game so I lucked out and only had to pay for him.  Aaaaand, yet again, I forgot to get pics, but Sheila took some so hopefully I can steal some from her and post them soon.  Here's one just because he's cute:

Daddy's Tough Guy
Edit:  A photo Sheila took at her house with her really nice camera

On Sunday Nixon got to attend his first friend's Birthday Party.  His friend Noah turned one year old and we had a blast celebrating with Noah and Nixon's little friends, and Noah's parents incredibly nice adult friends!

No Paparazzi!!!

Birthday Boy Noah
  So what is new with Nixon???  This month he's supposed to start giggling, but our son who loves to follow in our footsteps has no intentions of following what other kids are doing.  Instead of giggling, he has this adorable little cough instead of a giggle.  He gets the biggest smiles ever and its almost like he can't let out a giggle so he has this cute cough. It's very hard to describe over the internet, but when you hear it you'll know what I mean.  He is nothing but smiles and "giggles" first thing in the morning so I usually end up nearly late for work every day because he is so sweet, happy and snuggly.  I want to suck in every second of his love and snuggles because I know I'm going to blink and he's going to be embarrassed by me and I'll have to drop him off a block away from school so his friends don't see me.  I mean, yeah...that's a given, have you met me?

On a bigger news front, Nixon is thisclose to rolling over.  He gets onto his side no problem so it's only a matter of a couple weeks (or days?) and he will be a roly-poly wiggle worm.

What can I say?  It's how he rolls...
Huh, I can't think of anything else awesome that he's up to aside from being adorable.  That seems to be his gift lately!

Baby Lazy-Boy
Ok, I think that pretty much brings us up to date.  This week I'm preparing to take Nixon on his first Camping trip.  We are heading up to my Bestie's mom's land in Shawano for the weekend.  It will be nice to be on their land instead of a camp site in case he hates it and is insane.  Kyle of course will be home working and taking care of the pups so I'm bummed he'll miss his first camping trip, but we're going to get something in the works for later this summer for the Wamtastic Family Camping Shenanigans.  Next weekend we're also going camping up at Long Lake with another group of friends so that site is close enough to home that Kyle can pop in to hang out for a little bit.


  1. Love all the new posts! Miss you already and will get you the pics soon. I'm uploading them now.


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