A Picture is Worth A Million Words

I'm way too far behind on all things Wamlet so while many of you enjoy my colorful text I'll keep it short and just update the last two weeks with pictures.

Sunday, August 28th was GORGEOUS outside and knowing Fall was chasing us and catching up I didn't want to waste it.  We were invited out on Lake Pewaukee with the Allen's and their two kids Charlie, 6 and Elizabeth (aka Ribbit) who is 3.  We soaked in sun, fun, and went for a dip in the lake.

The Definition of Perfect

I swear there's a baby in there somewhere!

There he is!  He liked sucking on his life jacket.

Meredith with the Wamlet

Charlie is a great big brother.  We learned that day Nixon LOVES zerberts, thanks to Charlie.

Working on his tan.

Elizabeth testing the water for all of us.

When I got home, Nixon had some snuggle time with Daddy.  Pinki wanted some of that action too.

I also completed a task I'd been working on.  I purchased a "new to me" dining room table from our neighbors and the seats had seen better days.  I found some fabric I fell in love with and covered them.  Stripes for the two end chairs, flowers for the rest.  Now I need to make a curtain for the small window in the dining room out of the remaining flower print and then get white curtains for the 3 main windows.



 Nixon is home with his daddy Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays now, and last week Kyle watched our niece Kylee Monday and Wednesday.  Nixon enjoyed the time with his cousin, but Kylee was just bored.  Apparently we don't have much for a 4 year old to do.

By the time the weekend came, Nixon and I headed up north to spend time with my mom.

He got a new snuggle blankie thing that he fell in love with:

Notice the thumb and pacifier...such a nerd.
He also got some snuggle time with Gramma and she gave him a bath.

Such a sweet moment.
Jackeroni came to my mom's with me...he snuggled too with his Grampa.

On our way home on Monday we stopped at Great Grampas for a visit.  We hung out there for about 2 hours, showed off Nixon's rolling skills and got in some good quality time together.

Hey Great Grampa!

And..there's always Jack...He can't help that under bite.  LOL

He loves snuggling his burp rags.  What can I say, he's a Wam and easily entertained.

I can't get enough of these two together.

Starting Saturday night Mr. Man started to be a grumpapotomous.  This lasted until Tuesday when Kyle and I realized mom was eating cauliflower for 5 days straight as a snack...his poor tum tum was not happy with me.  OOps. By Thursday our happy baby was back, thank goodness.  I can't imagine having a kid like that all the time!

On Wednesday it was Aimee's turn to watch our Little so she and Kylee spent the day with Nixon.

Kylee thought he needed quality time in her Dora chair.

Kylee thought his feet were cold and he needed slippers

Saturday morning we had breakfast with our friend Steve.  He lives in Kansas now and was home for a wedding.  He got to meet Nixon for the first time and of course he was on his best behavior at McBob's.

Snoozing Nixon with his girl Sophie
Smiles for Steve!

After breakfast, we had to get ready for our own wedding!  Gramma Terri and Papa Joe were finally making it official!  I asked to take over decorating, so I had to run down to the Wauwatosa Farmer's Market for flowers - can't beat $5 bouquets!  Then we loaded up all the stuff, got dressed and hit the road.  The day was GORGEOUS!!!  The weather reminded me of our own wedding day and not to toot my own horn, but TOOT!  The decorations came out great.  I forgot to get shots of the reception at the Seven Sea's restaurant but as family sends me pics I'll add them.

The car that Drove Mr. and Mrs.!

So pretty!

One of many, loved the colors

Mr. and Mrs. Gibeault!

Mr. and Mrs. Wam

The Wam siblings with their Aunt Cheryl and Uncle John

This might be our Christmas Card this year

No lovin' for mama
The reception was at the beautiful Seven Seas restaurant on Lake Naga..naga..notgonnabeabletospellit.  Anyway, it was on a pretty lake out west that is hard to spell, and there was a HUGE wedding in the banquet hall next to our small and quaint reception for 30.  As Kyle and I were leaving we were joking about crashing that wedding, and we were waiting for the elevator when this guy walked out of the men's room and I thought, man, that Asian man reminds me of Steve.  HEY!!! It IS Steve!!!  Hahaha...I guess when we had breakfast that morning we never thought to ask where the reception was because what would the odds even be that they were at the same place??? Turns out pretty high.

This morning, on the 10th anniversary of September 11th I had to keep myself busy so I didn't sit in front of the TV watching all the coverage.  I ran errands, grabbed a bagel, and came home to clean, do laundry, and update the Wamlet Tales.

Where was I 10 years ago today?  I was at work and had my radio on listening to the morning show I always listen to.  All of a sudden they got really serious and said "I don't know what's going on right now, but it appears as though a plane has flown into the World Trade Center."  I immediately got up and turned on the TV that was in the conference room behind me.  I was glued to the TV and one by one my co-workers joined me.  We watched in silence as plane 2 hit, and spent the rest of the day in that conference room.

I used to sleep with my TV on all night until September 11th.  I kept waking up hearing the sirens, screams, and cries that were being replayed over and over again and I had to get up and shut my TV off.  I never left it on at  night ever again.

Where were you on September 11th?

Well...not to end on a bummer note, but it's important to our history.




  1. Isn't it amazing what new fabric can do for a chair?! As always love all the new Wamlet pics :) I love that I get to watch him grow from a distance


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